16 November 2009

Tombstone Tuesday

 Dead at 31 after birthing eight babies, moving west by wagon, then living in a pioneer cabin...and the History of Franklin and Pickaway Counties Ohio  (Williams Bros 1896--republication 1980) dares say she died from a "feeble consitution."     I'm not buying it.

"...Charles Arnold, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Arnold was born September 29, 1788. He married Elizabeth Wolf, daughter of Thomas Wolf, who was born August 29, 1788, and about the year 1818 emigrated, with their small family to the then wilderness of Ohio. The box of the wagon in which they traveled was made their home until a cabin could be built. With good health, but with no capital, other than his hands, with which to gain a living for himself and family, he entered upon the hardships and privations of a pioneer's life, under which the feeble constitution of his wife sank until she died, April 2, 1823, leaving behind her eight children, the youngest but fifteen months old. These children were: Jane H., Abraham B., Margaret, Charles, Stephen, Jacob, Harriet, and Victor..."


  1. Hey Vinnie, what a treat! This is wonderful.

  2. thanks
    I think the woman worked very hard.
    Credit where credit's due, don't you think?

  3. Yes,we need to remember all to often we only learn
    HIStory,not the the whole story.I have Arnold's in West Virginia.

  4. I love my men, but I adore our grandmothers.

    It would be totally cool if we connect via our Arnolds...meantime, I have to say, I love my men, but her story is equal in every way.

    So when and for how long were your Arnolds in WEst Virginia?

  5. Hi Vinnie,My Great-Grandfather,Elmond Arnold was born in west Virginia 1867,they left sometime in the 1870's early 80's.His father was Simon Peter Arnold,born Harrison County W.V. 1843,married a Hatfield.His dad William Johnson Arnold,born 1815,Barbour Co.W.V.,married a Davis.His father,Simon Arnold,maried a Webb.If anything looks interesting let me know!
    The woman in my family are always suprising me and delighting me with their independance and courage.I really like your blog,I need to work on mine more,not enough hours in the day!


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